When To Call Us
Emergency calls to reach a pediatrician – day and night coverage
When you call, always clearly state, “This is an emergency.” Do not let the answering service or clinic receptionist put you on hold. If, for any reason, you have difficulty reaching us, call the nearest emergency room and ask to talk to the physician on call for advice:
Children’s – Minneapolis: (612) 863-6100
Fairview Southdale: (952) 924-5000
Fairview Ridges: (952) 892-2000
Poison Control Center
MN Poison Control Center: 1 (800) 222-1222
Call about sick children during office hours
We see sick children by appointment. Office phone lines are answered 1/2 hour prior to start time. If your child is sick and you want him or her seen, there is less wait if you call in advance and earlier in the day. It is our policy that patients with appointments will be seen first. If you come in without an appointment, we will work you in to the next available appointment slot. Medical calls are screened by the triage nurses. They have been specially trained to make decisions regarding which patients need to be seen and how to care for children who don’t need to be seen. If she can’t help you, she will have your physician call you back. Anytime you feel that your child really needs to be seen, do not hesitate to say so. If you desire an appointment for your sick child, simply advise the receptionist. Usually, there is no need in that case to talk to a triage nurse.
Working parents and sick children
Be certain your baby-sitter or day care center understands they should call you as soon as possible if your child becomes ill. If you think your child may need to be seen, please try to call before our office closes.
Well children questions
We want you to always feel comfortable asking any questions about your child. We are happy to try to provide you with health information you need to be a good parent. Please direct well child calls during office hours.
Night time calls
After office hours, calls should be made only for emergencies or problems that can’t wait until morning. Calls about mild illnesses and ongoing problems can usually wait until the next morning. During these after-office hours, your calls will be received by an answering service. Your physician (or the one who is covering) is on a paging unit. The answering service can reach this person. Your call will usually be answered within 1 to 2 hours. If you do not receive a return call within two hours in a non-emergency situation, please call again.
Weekends and holidays
If your child becomes ill or injured, call the physician on call through the answering service. Our physician may see you in the emergency room or refer you to a physician there. Try to call about sick children early in the day. We are open Saturdays at the Southdale office from 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM and Sundays from 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM at the Burnsville site.
Information before calling
Please know the following (except in the case of emergencies):
- Your child’s approximate weight.
- Your child’s temperature if he or she is sick.
- The names and dosages of any medicines your child is taking.
- Your pharmacy’s exact phone number.
- Have a pencil and paper handy.
- Also, have your child nearby, in case we need you to check something.
- When you have placed a call for us, please keep your phone lines open.
Appointment cancellation policy
If you are unable to keep your scheduled appointment we ask that you call and cancel it at least two hours ahead of the scheduled time.